
Easy High Protein Lunch Ideas

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Watching your protein intake? Try some of these easy, low effort, high protein lunch ideas. Attainable for everyday, with plenty of options for home or taking to work.

Why is Protein Important?

Protein is not just for big muscle gains. Our bodies need amino acids, the building blocks of protein, for just about everything – bone, liver, gut, tissues, hair, nails, skin, and to mount response to infection, as well as muscle. According to researchers, most people should be consuming around 15-30 grams of protein per meal. Because your body is not able to store amino acids that means it is best to spread your protein intake through the day.

If, like me, you want to focus on fuelling your body with well-balanced, protein-rich meals, read on. Lunch can be so hard, especially if you have a demanding schedule. These easy protein lunch ideas are all low-effort and easily attainable on a busy schedule. 

There are options for easily transportable work lunches. Make ahead meals like soups and sandwich fillings perfect for meal prep. And recipes which are not only speedy but can be easily customised to use ingredients you already have to hand. 

Four white plates with sliced chicken, roast salmon and salad laid out on a grey table.

Protein Rich Sandwiches

The classic sandwich may be humble, but it can still be healthy. And a sandwich or wrap is easy to transport and perfect for a packed lunch. Use a seeded wholemeal bread for your sandwiches to up the protein content even more.

Half a chicken mayo sandwich on a blue plate with a handful of potato chips on the side.
image courtesy of carriecarvalho.com

Protein Filled Salads

Perfect for making ahead and easy to transport, salads are an excellent lunch choice. Choose one of these protein rich salads for lunch to keep you feeling full and satisfied all afternoon.

Bowl of canned tuna mixed with cucumber, white beans, red onion and red pepper.

Protein Filled Soup

There is very good reason why soups continue to be an excellent lunch option, especially in the colder months. After a bit of initial prep and cooking, they can be easily stored in the fridge or freezer then reheated to make a quick and healthy meal. Easy to transport either hot or cold in a suitable container, soup is perfect for taking to work as well. I’ve collected some tasty soup recipes which have the bonus of at least 10g of protein per portion.

Bowl of lentil soup topped with crispy bacon rasher.

If you have your own go-to protein packed lunch recipes please share them in the comments. And be sure to check out these High Protein Breakfast Recipes.

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